Fast, Flexible, Efficient: The Versatile Rack for Mini Production Runs and Prototypes

Fast, Flexible, Efficient: The Versatile Rack for Mini Production Runs and Prototypes

AESUB Rack – As close as possible to the part

The AESUB Rack is a modular measuring frame that, with just a few movements, can also be precisely positioned around large or complex parts for the purpose of optical measurements. Thanks to its tensioning system, the individual components can be mounted quickly and easily around the part, thereby enabling near-contour alignment.

The rack is particularly suitable for mini-production runs with 2-3 objects or for large, complex parts. Reference points can be placed directly onto the frame.

Thanks to its modular construction, the AESUB Rack can be modified and adapted to new requirements at any time. What is special about it is that the elements of the AESUB Rack can be shaped or bent to bring it closer to the part geometry of the component.

The measuring frame is perfect for pilot or small production runs and prototypes. Above all, it offers benefits in situations requiring ad hoc or precise measurements.

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