From GOM Software to ZEISS INSPECT

From GOM Software to ZEISS INSPECT

Same solution, different name

The success story of the GOM software has reached the next milestone: As of the release 2023, their software will have a new name: ZEISS INSPECT.

True to the catchphrase ‘Same solution, different name’, the software remains what it is: Your industry standard for metrological inspections and evaluations. What do you use to control your measuring system? What do you use to perform evaluations? What do you use to carry out GD&T analyses? What do you use to create your measuring reports? The answer is always the same, but just with a new name: ZEISS INSPECT.

What’s new?

Although their metrology software will be renamed, it will still include all the functions of the GOM software and become even more powerful: This year’s development cycle was dedicated to optimizing and amending analysis functions. With Release 2023, new functions will also be added to ZEISS INSPECT.

ZEISS INSPECT is the core of their metrology software, complemented by industry-specific variants. These variants are pre-configured and immediately ready for use in the relevant application or task. Consequently, GOM Inspect for inspecting and evaluating 3D measuring data will become ZEISS INSPECT Optical 3D. Their specialist GOM Volume Inspect for analyzing volume data will become ZEISS INSPECT X-Ray. GOM Correlate for analyzing movements and deformations will become ZEISS INSPECT Correlate. For customers from the aerospace industry, all the special evaluation features of GOM Blade Inspect will be available in ZEISS INSPECT Airfoil.

That much is clear: The common denominator is ZEISS INSPECT – Their metrology software that will be available for all technologies and applications in the future.

What does that mean for you?

Being part of the active user community, you already appreciate the powerful inspection software? Here is the good news: While ZEISS INSPECT will contain the same functions as before and many more on top, it can be used even more flexibly and will be compatible with all measuring systems.

Why the new name?

All software products under the same roof and the same name. They at ZEISS would like to make their product range more flexible and simple for their customers. Their vision is a metrology software that is capable of everything: ZEISS INSPECT. As specialists for optical metrology, they  have continuously evolved. With GOM Inspect, they created the keystone of their software portfolio. Little by little, this foundation was amended by other products for special metrological requirements.

Did you know that the current software is based on a complete redevelopment from 2009? This redevelopment was necessary to implement two essential functionalities: the principle of parametric design and the virtual measuring room.

What they know for sure: they can only live up to your challenges if they continuously improve theirselves and their software products. With ZEISS INSPECT, they have this solution for you. With regard to future metrological challenges, the right answer will always be ZEISS INSPECT.

The history of the GOM software

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