Hidden Strobe Provides Benefits of Strobing Without Annoying Flashes

Hidden Strobe Provides Benefits of Strobing Without Annoying Flashes

Hidden Strobe, an innovative new technology that Smart Vision Lights, a leading designer, and producer of high-brightness LED lights for industrial applications, has filed a patent for, has just gone on sale. Hidden Strobe is a solution to the widespread problem of distracting and disorienting LED strobe lights. It was designed to optimize machine vision systems running at fast rates.

According to Dave Spaulding, president, and chief executive officer of Smart Vision Lights, “As machine vision systems operate at increasingly high speeds, it is critical that the lighting employed in these systems is capable of capturing the right images without causing unintended environmental hazards.” “Hidden Strobe is our solution to this issue,”

LED lights are typically strobed, or pulsed, in a variety of applications to capture photos of moving objects. Almost every industrial application, including those in logistics, consumer goods, pharmaceuticals, automobiles, and more, can employ this technology. While useful for capturing images, this strobing can make the situation uncomfortable for adjacent staff due to the confusing flashing lights. The prevalence of strobing LED lights in open spaces has increased along with the development of smart warehousing, aggravating the issue.

However, Hidden Strobe reduces the harmful effects of strobing LEDs, enabling manufacturers to get the most out of their machine vision systems without jeopardizing the safety of their workers. The LEDs can internally self-trigger hundreds of times per second thanks to Hidden Strobe, producing an almost constant light source.

According to Matt Pinter, Chief Technology Officer at Smart Vision Lights, “The Hidden Strobe feature produces an illusion of continuous light by self-triggering pulses faster than the human eye can perceive.” “With the help of this technology, we are able to benefit from the robust overdrive modes of LEDs while ensuring a safer and more comfortable working environment for employees.”

The Hidden Strobe pulses stop and the camera’s programming pulse is executed when the light is activated in time with the camera to take a picture. Following image acquisition, the light switches back to continually generated Hidden Strobe pulses to give the area a “constantly on” impression. With this ground-breaking technology, unmatched performance is possible without the disadvantages of conventional strobing lights.

According to Spaulding, “Hidden Strobe represents a significant advancement in machine vision technology.” We are able to maximize the performance of our machine vision lights without the use of light shielding by minimizing the physical effects on workers. Both efficiency and staff comfort benefit from this.

Credits: Smart Vision Lights


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