Renishaw Introduces a New Range of Industrial Automation Products

Renishaw Introduces a New Range of Industrial Automation Products

Renishaw, a leading provider of engineering solutions, is introducing a brand-new product range created especially for the industrial automation market. The new RCS product line intends to revolutionize the commissioning and maintenance of industrial automation technology by building on its existing experience and technologies for industrial metrology applications.

The new product line was created to address certain major issues facing the worldwide industrial automation sector. It focuses on issues like operational accuracy and repeatability that arise with manual robot setup, calibration, and maintenance. Three products are included in the lineup: the RCS L-90, RCS T-90, and RCS P-series, all of which are supported by a separate software package.

The RCS L-90 is a ball bar device that uses easy routines managed by its supporting software suite to increase robot system accuracy, shorten deployment time, and monitor robot health. The RCS T-90 is a tri-ball bar system that enables users of robots to pinpoint the underlying causes of subpar performance. Additional thorough tests are performed to gather vital robot data, such as remastering joint offsets to calculated positions, running master-recovery routines, and plotting 3D path performance. In order to apply in-process metrology and automatic recovery to automation processes, the third RCS product, the RCS P-series, integrates a permanent Renishaw probing solution within a robot cell.

The Chief Executive Officer of Renishaw, Will Lee, states that “Our success over 50 years has been built on providing robust and reliable products that solve manufacturing problems across a wide range of industry sectors.” “We are seeing significant challenges with aspects of robot operation as a result of the global expansion in the use of robots, which are increasingly being used for precision production applications,” he explains. Based on our years of expertise offering calibration and setup solutions for the machine tool and motion control sectors, we are certain that we can address these.

This new product line for industrial robotics, which is based on tried-and-true Renishaw technology, delivers the company’s metrology knowledge to a sector that faces substantial difficulties with performance precision and repeatability. The new RCS solutions, which can be classified as “in-field” or “in-process” goods, make it easier to set up robots, perform health checks on them, and recover robotic applications after collisions. The devices support robots from a variety of manufacturers when used with Renishaw’s new simple robotics software, RCS Software Suite.

In an industry that was founded on automation, “the existing processes surrounding robot setup and maintenance are largely manual,” claims Dr. Kevyn Jonas, Director of Renishaw’s Industrial Automation Products Division. “Until now, these methods have been accepted since there are no totally comprehensive solutions currently available. Finally, there is a quick, easy, and verifiable way for robot integrators and users to manage their robots.

At Automate 2023 in Detroit on May 22, the RCS products will be made available to the general public for the first time and put on display. On June 27, Automatica 2023 in Munich will introduce RCS goods to the European market.

Click on the following link Metrologically Speaking to read more such news about the Metrology Industry.


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