3D Laser Scanners by ZEISS for Digital Warehousing and Reverse Engineering

3D Laser Scanners by ZEISS for Digital Warehousing and Reverse Engineering

The company Stork maintains its customers’ part quality in the most varied industries with the use of 3D laser scanners. In this essay, we focus on specific aspects of their operation, including reverse engineering and digital warehousing for more effective quality control.

The work with ZEISS T-SCAN hawk 2 at Stork company

The Dutch-based company has been in charge of maintaining, repairing, and overhauling items for its clients since 1868. They employ 3D scanning systems from ZEISS for the revision of diverse components from the broadest range of industries. Two ways optical 3D metrology aids their strategy are as follows:

  • When defective goods are examined, specific components may need to be overhauled or replaced with spare parts that the customer themselves provides. The ZEISS T-SCAN HAWK 2 portable, hand-held equipment and 3D scanning are used for quality control. The inspection software of the ZEISS Quality Suite offers several evaluation options and an accurate 3D mesh for analyzing defective parts.
  • The reverse engineering procedure is an additional choice. A 3D model of the part can be made with the use of 3D scanning and then reverse engineering. The new laser scanner and the related software solution support this choice as well.

The components are reassembled and put back into service after being overhauled and quality-checked. As only one tool is required for their divers’ inspection jobs, this happens quickly and naturally.

3D Laser Scanners by ZEISS 1

The vision: digital warehousing for advanced customer support

The company’s reliance on the digital archive of scanned parts and components is growing. Stork becomes more adaptable as a result, and the MRO procedures are also expedited.

What is digital warehousing and how does 3D scanning help?

Using digital technologies to manage, store, and analyze massive amounts of data is known as digital warehousing. This method involves centralizing data storage so that it may be conveniently accessed, processed, and shared by authorized individuals wherever they may be.

One of the key benefits of digital warehousing is that it enables businesses to efficiently utilize their data assets. Digital warehousing enables firms to obtain a thorough understanding of their operations, customers, and market trends by consolidating data from various sources and formats into a single database. Organizations may enhance their operations, make better decisions, and spot fresh business prospects with the help of this comprehensive perspective.

Real-time reporting and analytics are also supported by digital warehousing. Businesses can react swiftly to changes in the market, client preferences, and other factors with real-time data processing and analysis. This enables them to swiftly make essential modifications and seize present chances.

A cutting-edge technology called 3D scanning can assist businesses in reaping the rewards of digital warehousing. Businesses can use 3D scanning to produce extremely precise digital models of real-world things, locations, and settings. These models can be incorporated into the digital warehouse to deliver comprehensive and in-depth digital representations of the real world.

Businesses can improve their visibility into their physical assets and places by integrating 3D scanning into their digital warehousing strategy. For businesses in sectors like building, architecture, and engineering where accurate and thorough representations of physical places are crucial for successful projects, this can be very helpful. Businesses may enhance project planning, design, and execution with 3D scanning, cut down on errors and waste, and ultimately produce better results.

Click on the following link Metrologically Speaking to read more such blogs on Metrology.


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