4D Technology Receives Multiple Orders for SWIR Metrology Instruments

4D Technology Receives Multiple Orders for SWIR Metrology Instruments

Strengthens commitment to metrology systems for space-based optical communications

Multiple orders for optical metrology devices that operate in the short-wavelength infrared (SWIR) band have been placed with 4D Technology, a wholly owned subsidiary of Onto Innovation Inc. Leading aerospace, defense, and communications technology businesses from all around the world placed the orders. These technologies will aid in the present push to increase optical communications in the “C-band,” or 1535–1565 nm, wavelength range.

“4D is proud to support the exciting market of free-space laser communications,” stated Erik Novak, General Manager of 4D Technology. “With a broad range of dynamic solutions measuring at 1550 nm wavelength and at specific wavelengths across the C-band, we have enhanced our commitment to this application. Surface quality, transmitted wavefront error, optical component alignments, and surface roughness at the functional wavelengths can now all be measured by manufacturers using 4D Technology devices. These tests can be made in difficult settings, such as vacuum or cryogenic chambers, thanks to vibration immunity.

Organizations are now able to keep up with data-intensive applications thanks to free-space laser communications, which can achieve data transmission speeds thousands of times higher than conventional radio-frequency (RF) communications. Furthermore, optical communications significantly lower the cost of both ground-based and space-based communications. In comparison to RF systems, they are also significantly less vulnerable to detection, interception, jamming, and frequency interference.


However, the optics needed for laser-based data communications pushes the limits of current manufacturing and measurement methods. At the crucial SWIR wavelengths, 4D Technology’s SWIR metrology devices give accurate measurements of wavefront error, surface figure, and surface roughness.

With external laser sources, the 4D AccuFiz® and PhaseCam® SWIR interferometers both offer the exceptional capability to measure wavefront error and form at the typical 1550 nm wavelength and at wavelengths across the C-band with the same equipment. The surface roughness that might scatter the beam, causing signal loss, slower data transfer rates, and crosstalk, is precisely measured by the 4D NanoCam HD optical profiler.

Due to the “dynamic” measurement capabilities of all three metrology systems, there are fewer requirements for vibration isolation and the expense of testing these vital optics is significantly reduced.

Since its founding more than 20 years ago, 4D Technology has taken the lead in the development of metrology for space-based optics. With capable metrology equipment working at SWIR wavelengths, the firm is in a unique position to promote the development of optical communications.

4D Technology offers laser interferometers functioning in all IR wavelength bands, from near-infrared (NIR, 1053-1064nm) to long-wavelength infrared (LWIR, 10.6 m), in addition to SWIR wavelengths.

Credits: 4D Technology

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