ZOLLER Tool Presetter – Good to Have or Must Have?

ZOLLER Tool Presetter – Good to Have or Must Have?

With so many changes happening in the world around us and with the level of uncertainty  that we have come to experience, it has become essential for any and every industry  sector to adapt to technological advancements in order to sustain in a highly volatile  atmosphere. In this article, I am going to talk about the metal machining industry in  particular and shed some light on the area of productivity improvement with the help of  offline tool presetters. Now how does that help a manufacturer become better prepared  to handle volatility? The answer is simple, with offline tool presetting you are reducing  set up time and eliminating the influence of operator skill level on the accuracy of  setting. Does that mean the operator is being replaced by a machine? No, it only means  the operator’s time is better utilized and he/she has more free time for performing other  value-added activities. For example, an operator currently controlling one CNC machine  may be able to handle an additional CNC machine because of the tool setting time saved by the offline tool presetter. Also, because of the user-independent nature of an offline  tool presetter, any operator irrespective of the skill level can measure/set tools precisely  and avoid inconsistency arising from the skill intensive conventional touch-off method.  These aspects help shield the manufacturer from effects of market volatility which may  include issues like downtime, high demand, operator unavailability, lack of skilled  manpower, etc. 

“But aren’t tool presetters expensive and meant only for bigger OEMs?” is a typical  question that I encounter when interacting with decision makers from MSMEs. And the  simple answer to that is – No. ‘Expensive’ is a relative term and we always need to look  at the value a tool presetter brings in by analysing its cost saving potential and by  calculating an approximate payback period. For that we have formulated an ROI sheet  that helps the manufacturer arrive at a payback period based on the manufacturing setup  and the suitable variant of the tool presetter chosen. 

Return on Investment 

The above Excel based table shows a sample calculation that makes use of simple  manufacturing data and calculates the tool setup time costs associated with the entire  process. This is then compared with the setup time invested after employing an offline  tool presetter, and the effective advantage in terms of the setup time cost saving is  formulated. The potential cost saved is then compared with the cost of the tool presetter  to calculate the payback period. In the example below, I have considered INR 9L as the  investment for an entry-level tool presetter from ZOLLER just like the >>smileBasic<<  (the value is just a reference figure and not a commercial offer!). In this particular  example the payback period turns out to be 15 months, which is quite a reasonable  period for any MSME making use of only three VMCs. Also, there are additional benefits  in the form of cost saved due to reduced quality rejections by setting the tool ‘right  the first time’, and improved tool life as a result of precise setting

The »smileBasic« 

The »smileBasic« is a simple but powerful offering from ZOLLER. In contrast to the term  ‘basic’ the »smileBasic« is not really basic! That’s because there is zero compromise in  terms of what’s going into building this modern tool presetter. It is built with the same  special Aluminium alloy that we use throughout the ZOLLER product range. It makes use  of the same branded hardware components that other variants make use of. Then  what makes it more affordable than some of the other presetters in the line-up? Simple,  the »smileBasic« offers just the right features that a manufacturer needs for starting a  journey in the world of professional tool presetting.

Basic Inclusions: Options: 

Verdict – definitely a must have!

 In MSMEs, a new piece of equipment such as the tool presetter that supports and  enhances the manufacturing process has traditionally been treated as a ‘good to have’  rather than a ‘must have’ product. Times have changed, so has the competition. In order  to have a competitive advantage in the manufacturing process in terms of quality,  throughput, and process reliability, MSMEs need to explore new products on the shelf  and update their existing process. The ROI calculation is easy and so is buying the  »smileBasic« tool presetter. You just have to send us an email or pick up the phone and  give us a ring. Your competitors have done it, what are you waiting for? 

About the Author 


An Industrial Engineer by education, currently working as the Technical  Sales Manager for ZOLLER India Pvt Ltd. He can be reached at  


E. ZOLLER GmbH & Co. KG  

With enthusiasm for inspection and measuring technology, E. ZOLLER GmbH & Co. KG.  based in Pleidelsheim near Stuttgart, have been developing innovative solutions for  greater efficiency in manufacturing processes for more than 75 years. More than 40,000  presetting and measuring machines with worldwide unrivalled software solutions have  been installed to date.  

ZOLLER offers everything for efficient and process-reliable cutting tool handling in the  manufacturing process. With ZOLLER solutions, tools are digitally and physically  recorded, measured, managed, stored, and inspected throughout the entire tool life  cycle. An international network of subsidiaries and agents ensures the highest level of  service quality with personal customer care. 


ZOLLER India is headquartered in Pune, providing sales and service to its customers for  tool presetting, tool measuring and inspection machines, tool management software,  heat-shrink systems and balancing machines. ZOLLER India was founded in 2004 and  runs outside offices in Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Chennai and Delhi.  



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