Tooling U-SME and CESMII Launch Smart Manufacturing Learning Curriculum

Tooling U-SME and CESMII Launch Smart Manufacturing Learning Curriculum

A new learning curriculum called Fundamentals of Smart Manufacturing has been released by Tooling U-SME, the workforce development division of SME, and CESMII-The Smart Manufacturing Institute, which is supported by NIST and the US Department of Energy. The curriculum is intended to increase workforce awareness of the latest smart manufacturing processes and technologies.

The dynamic, self-paced online training program builds on the combined design, instruction, and technological know-how of SME and CESMII and is a continuation of the industry relationship the two organizations announced last year. The program’s collaboration will validate and implement a shared body of knowledge for boosting industry development via a smart manufacturing transformation.

According to Jeannine Kunz, Chief Workforce Development Officer at SME, “Our shared vision with CESMII is to teach the manufacturing workforce the fundamentals of Smart Manufacturing methodologies to help them understand its essential nature and benefits to accelerate transformation in the U.S. manufacturing workforce.” The adoption of Smart Manufacturing and achieving the advantages of the technology, such as enhanced quality, decreased costs and procedures, and worker efficiencies, depend on this shared basis.

When thinking about a smart manufacturing transformation, the Fundamentals of Smart Manufacturing study package introduces significant commercial potential, technological advancements, and organizational factors. For the purpose of raising awareness within the ecosystem and teaching the modern skills necessary for many current and future employment roles in smart manufacturing, convenient online training courses can be quickly accessed through Tooling U-SME, educational institutions, or employer training portals.

Conrad Leiva, vice president of ecosystem and workforce education at CESMII, stated that the workforce “needs to stay up to date with advancements changing the technology landscape for manufacturers.” The on-demand, flexible Smart Manufacturing courses from Tooling U-SME and CESMII are a fantastic approach to updating the knowledge of the staff. Additionally, I urge firms to join the Tooling U-SME team to create a special program to improve the workforce’s competencies in various Industry 4.0 skill areas.

The Fundamentals of Smart Manufacturing curriculum, which is divided into 35 brief self-paced training modules, covers important subjects like an introduction to smart manufacturing, data collection, and organization, platform and system connections, automation of flow and control, cyber security, and using insights for decision-making. Employees and students can easily access the program from the majority of popular web-based training platforms because it was developed in compliance with industry standards for remote learning.

Tooling U-SME collaborates with thousands of businesses, including approximately 1,000 educational institutions across the nation and more than half of all Fortune 500® firms. Tooling U-SME is a leader in the creation and dissemination of educational materials, as well as in the customization of solutions to meet the demands of the manufacturing industry. The collaboration between CESMII and Tooling U-SME on smart manufacturing training will hasten adoption and propel advancement through transformational workforce development thanks to CESMII’s subject matter expertise and knowledge of smart manufacturing technology and business practices and Tooling U-SME’s extensive training experience and reach into industry and academia.

Collaboration across the Manufacturing USA Innovation Institutes

Tooling U-SME will bring essential smart manufacturing curricula to thousands of OEMs, suppliers, and schools across the United States thanks to its wide network of current partners. This will train and educate the industrial base as well as a sizable pipeline of future workers. The U.S. Office of Naval Research also provided funding for the curriculum under awards N00014-18-1-2881 led by the National Centre for Defence Manufacturing and Machining and N00014-19-1-2742 led by SME, with review and input from CESMII (The Smart Manufacturing Institute), CyManII (Cybersecurity Manufacturing Innovation Institute), and America Makes (National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Institute). It is a superb illustration of how bringing together a number of like-minded organizations with complementary capabilities and the same goals may maximize the impact of developing the necessary talent and skills.

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