About the idea to develop sublimating scanning sprays – The founder story of AESUB Scanning sprays

About the idea to develop sublimating scanning sprays – The founder story of AESUB Scanning sprays

Metrologically Speaking (MS): Today I welcome Friedrich (Fritz) Schlott, one of the founders of AESUB. Fritz, before we start talking about AESUB Scanningsprays, can you shortly explain the necessity of using spray in optical measurement?

Fritz: Optical technologies work with light which is reflected back from the surface of the object into the scanner. In some applications, such as when scanning transparent, reflecting or highly structured parts, the light is not properly reflected back from the surface and thus the scanner is not able to capture the object’s surface. In such cases, scanning spray is used to create a matt and homogeneous coating which allows to scan also such uncooperative surfaces.

MS: Since you have worked for many years in the scanning industry, can you explain us your first-hand experience from using traditional sprays.

Fritz: Traditional sprays are based on pigments. I still remember the time when I ran my own service company. It was Friday evening that engineers came home from the jobs and everything was covered in white dust. The machines got broken and the clients were complaining about dirty objects, dirty surroundings and I thought “We need to improve that! We need to find a solution which is stopping all that mess.”

Dirty surroundings after spraying with traditional sprays
Dirty surroundings after spraying with traditional sprays

MS: So what has changed by AESUB Scanninsprays?

Fritz: Our signature products are vanishing. You apply them on the object and then they disappear after certain amount of time. You do leave a clean object and you can re-use the object for the purpose that it belongs to. As the spray does not contain pigments, you don’t contaminate yourself. You don’t contaminate the scanning system and you don’t contaminate the surroundings where you are working. So, it’s a perfect product for the scanning industry!

AESUB: Spray – Scan – Done

MS: That sounds very innovative! Can you now explain us a bit on the AESUB products and their specific applications?

Fritz: AESUB provides aerosols in cans as well as bulk solution for spray gun applications. Aerosol cans are easy for taking them on a scanning jobs and for use on smaller objects. The bulk version targets for automated and large-scale scanning. We provide vanishing solutions with different sublimation times depending on the users’ specific purpose. Apart from our vanishing product series, we also provide traditional pigment sprays but unlike many other pigment sprays, our permanent sprays – as all our AESUB products – are free of harmful titanium dioxide.

MS: Understand. Can you provide us some details how AESUB approaches the market and serve its customers?

Fritz: On the one hand, we have a global reseller network. Clients can easily find its local supplier at https://aesub.com/distributors. As our mission for AESUB Scanningsprays is to develop always the best product for the scanning and digitizing industry, we also provide – on the other hand – customer tailored solutions. Feel free to contact us in case of any further question or specific requests.

MS: Fritz, thank you for this interesting interview and I wish you all the best!

Fritz: Thank you and stay safe!

Friedrich Schlott, founder of AESUB Scanningsprays.

For more information: info@aesub.com


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