Core CMM v/s LHG WITH REVO — And the WINNER is…?

Core CMM v/s LHG WITH REVO — And the WINNER is…?

This article highlights the contrast and compare two CMMs with their best applications of two of the seven systems we use in our 7-Systems Analysis.

WENZEL’s LH CMM with Renishaw’s REVO 5-axis high-speed contact scanning head


WENZEL’s CORE high-speed optical scanning CMM

Both are highly effective inspection machines for aerospace and turbine manufacturers. Each machine is excellent for measuring turbine blades and similar parts, but they have different strengths and limitations depending on exactly ‘why’ you need them.

So, which WENZEL turbine inspection system should you choose?

The LH CMM with REVO had the highest overall score on our 7-Systems Analysis Metrology Scorecard and truly stands alone in terms of speed and versatility compared to any other inspection system anywhere. You could probably configure it to measure almost anything, but it is especially suited to turbomachine blades, aerospace turbine blades and large-bore parts. Despite this versatility, to call it a jack of all trades would certainly be an insult to the system.

The CORE, on the other hand, is a totally unique optical scanning CMM. There is no other measuring system that combines the speed and precision of the CORE’s discreet white-light measurement with the stability of a traditional CMM. For that reason, in some cases, the CORE’s more dedicated system is better.

What are the Pros & Cons of the CORE and REVO turbine inspection systems?

First, let’s take a look at what our product expert at the Metrology Matters Live event, Steve Cormier, has to say in this short, but in-depth demonstration of WENZEL’s LH 108 with REVO in action.

What are the potential advantages and disadvantages of the LH REVO System? (Case study here)

6 Advantages of WENZEL’s LH REVO System

1. Long reach styli for long chord lengths of multi-vane segments and blisks
2. High-speed scanning
3. Surface finish measurement
4. 5-axis and infinitely positioning head to get into hard to access parts
5. Superb at measurement of all geometries including deep holes on prismatic parts
6. Sweep scanning to collect low density point clouds

4 possible disadvantages of WENZEL’s LH REVO system

  1. Relatively large footprint
  2. Uses a physical ball stylus so tip compensation around sharp corners (e.g. trailing edges) can be ‘erratic’
  3. Hard to keep section scans on plane, particularly on blades with a high degree of twist and bow
  4. Limited Z height for tall blades such as fan blades

Now, let’s take a look at the next video with an in-depth demonstration of the WENZEL’s CORE Optical CMM system in action.

What are the potential advantages & disadvantages of WENZEL’s CORE System?

Shop Floor Turbine Measurement – WENZEL CORE CMM

5 Advantages of WENZEL’s CORE Optical CMM (Awesome video on how to measure a blade on the new CORE D)

Previous model CORE Optical CMM

Previous model CORE Optical CMM

1. Ultra high speed inspection – typically twice as fast as the REVO for single blades.

2. Very small footprint – typically ¼ of a typical LH REVO system.
3. Uses a light spot rather than a ball-stylus so tip radius compensation and ‘out of plane’ section scans are never a problem.
4. Operates on all surface finishes from dull to polished (unlike most optical systems).
5. Accommodates blades from 1” tall to 80” tall.

Optical CMM – WENZEL’s CORE M System

3 possible disadvantages of CORE Optical CMM

CORE Optical CMM
  1. Sensor requires ‘line of sight’ like all optical systems so cannot “see” deep into holes or grooves
  2. No surface finish measurement
  3. Not a scanner, so not for collecting point clouds (But CORE has a bonus advantage of being the absolute fastest blade inspection CMM, period.)

CORE Optical CMM vs. LH 108 with REVO – And the Winner is….?


Depending on what you need most:

  • The best multi-purpose CMM you can buy – LH Generation with REVO


  • The fastest blade CMM with the most reliable results, on the shop floor – CORE

The fastest blade CMM with the most reliable results, on the shop floor – CORE
For different applications both are excellent solutions for aerospace turbine blade and automotive turbomachine inspection and measurement and have similar price points, so the deciding factor is simply ‘why’ you need it, which happens to be the first point covered in our New CMM Buyer’s Guide. That concluded our comparison of the two CMMs and we would love to hear what you believe is the best solution. Our WENZEL customers truly love both and we have CORE D buyers that always come back for another one when their production ramps up. On the other side the same can be said when it comes to our LH with REVO it all depends on your situation and need.

If you’d like more detailed information on the CORE and LH/REVO systems don’t hesitate to contact our team at: or stay in the know by following us on LinkedIn.


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