DWFritz Metrology Showcases ZeroTouch® Rotational Metrology Platform (ZTR) for the Auto Industry

DWFritz Metrology Showcases ZeroTouch® Rotational Metrology Platform (ZTR) for the Auto Industry

DWFritz Metrology, a leading global provider of high-precision inspection and metrology solutions for advanced manufacturing, announces a demonstration of new capabilities on the ZeroTouch® Rotational Metrology Platform at the 2023 Control Show in Stuttgart, Germany, DWFritz Metrology is a wholly-owned subsidiary of DWFritz Automation, which was acquired by The Sandvik Group in 2021.

The ZeroTouch® ZTR is a non-contact, high-speed inspection platform designed to simultaneously capture and measure multiple part features for parts such as rotors, stators, and brake disks at the micron level. An innovative, production-ready system, ZTR functions in manual or fully automatic mode and can be configured for in-line or near-line use. The system has a footprint that supports a wide range of part dimensions and weights.

“We are very excited to continue to optimize our ZeroTouch® product portfolio. With the recent growth in the EV market, I believe that ZTR is perfectly suited for many inspection and quality applications that will allow our customers to rapidly qualify their parts during the production process while accelerating their time to market and revenues”, said Dave Mendez, Vice President of the ZeroTouch® business unit. “Furthermore, our acquisition by Sandvik provides us with a much larger global footprint, which will allow us to serve the global market better,” noted Mendez.

ZTR is a robust, production-ready non-contact metrology platform that captures and analyzes millions of data points in 60 seconds or less. This versatile system combines multiple non-contact sensors in a unique architecture that allows the measurement and inspection of the entire part surface, generating a high-density, micron-level point cloud. ZTR inspects all Critical to Quality (CTQ) measurements in seconds versus traditional tactile methods without requiring developer coatings to capture data from shiny surfaces.

Credits: DWFritz

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