EMBL and ZEISS Enter Long-Term Strategic Partnership

EMBL and ZEISS Enter Long-Term Strategic Partnership

ZEISS and the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) have formed a strategic partnership for the long term. The goal of the collaboration is to bridge the gap between the early development of imaging technology and its use in life science research.

Through this cooperative methodology, clients of the EMBL Imaging Center and related EMBL imaging administrations will approach the most recent microscopy innovations and skills from ZEISS. ZEISS will also gain invaluable insight into new applications and opportunities for market-testing their most recent technology developments from EMBL research and projects by Imaging Centre users.

Continuous collaboration

The new arrangement, haggled with help from EMBL’s innovation move arm Symbol, depends on the drawn-out cooperative association among EMBL and ZEISS and past task-based organizations. For instance, ZEISS recently provided microscopy instruments for the EMBL mobile laboratories for field research and supported the initial equipment for operation in the EMBL Imaging Centre.

“We are excited to take the next step in our relations and give it a strategic perspective in this new framework agreement,” stated Jan Ellenberg, Head of the EMBL Imaging Centre. “EMBL and ZEISS have worked together fruitfully on multiple microscopy projects for decades.”

The Imaging Centre’s users will be able to get early access to ZEISS’s most recent microscopy innovations thanks to the long-term partnership. In addition, EMBL and ZEISS will have a one-of-a-kind chance to collaborate on technology development through regular strategic discussions. This will ensure that the imaging technologies that life scientists will require in the future are taken into consideration when developing the next generation of commercial microscopes.

The EMBL Imaging Centre’s primary mission is to encourage the ongoing development of cutting-edge imaging technologies and to provide training in these technologies. This presents a one-of-a-kind chance to elevate the partnership with ZEISS to new heights.

Head of ZEISS Research Microscopy Solutions, Michael Albiez, stated: ZEISS and EMBL are collaborating in new ways as a result of this collaboration. The state-of-the-art research acted in the EMBL Imaging Center and EMBL overall will be an optimal testing and advancement climate for our up-and-coming age of imaging advances.”

Enabling future life science applications

ZEISS and EMBL collaborate to advance the development of new technologies for use in the life sciences in the future by making them accessible to Imaging Centre and related EMBL services users as soon as possible. The three areas of focus of the collaboration are: the joint creation of new imaging technologies, their application testing, Open Data activities, and training.

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