Fujitsu and VisiConsult: partnership for Smart Inspection

Fujitsu and VisiConsult: partnership for Smart Inspection

Seamless inspection processes are key to a constant high-quality product and therefore also key for sustainability and success of a manufacturing business. To make the quality assurance more precise, faster, and more efficient a full automated process is prudent. A huge impact in that matter is the targeted use of artificial intelligence (AI). In cooperation with VisiConsult, a specialist for industrial X-ray systems, we are working under pressure to make that final step towards this goal. In this strategic cooperation we are focusing our capabilities and make smart inspection solutions possible, of which our clients profit tremendously. Christof Schleidt, project manager by Fujitsu, joint by Lennart Schulenburg, managing Director by VisiConsult explain the underlining motivation as well as the goals of this partnership and touch on the advantages for the client.

VisiConsult software in use plus picture of AI

Optimal combination of skillsets

Christof Schleidt: Lennart, with VisiConsult we associate a very successful cooperation. You are experts and market leader for industrial X-ray systems, we are specialists for IT-integration, AI, and visual inspection. What do you think: how can we combine our skill sets optimally so that the client and the hole market will profit to a high degree?

Lennart Schulenburg: In my perspective both our companies are like sparring partners, we supplement our skills, solutions, and technologies perfectly, this results in a sustainable added value. With our automated X-ray systems, we digitalized and automated the process of non-destructive testing (NDT). Because of high precision digital X-ray detectors there is extensive image data. With you, we will now take the next step towards industry 4.0. With your expertise in AI the next step from standard image processing to automated image evaluation will be possible. In that way we together can help our clients to rise their detection probabilities and their productivity.

Christof Schleidt: I agree. Also, through the network via Cloud-connection and the use of AI it is much simpler and very process reliant to get the detection results. You are roaming in industry sectors where the highest quality standards are implemented. I am thinking about critical components like suspension in the automotive sector or turbine blades in the aerospace sector. In those sectors is no room for error in terms of accuracy and detection rate of the algorithms. We value your years of experience in non-destructive testing and your focus on the industry.

In my perspective both our companies are like sparring partners, we supplement our skills, solutions, and technologies perfectly, this results in a sustainable added value.

Successful use cases

Lennart Schulenburg: Exactly for these offers your portfolio the perfect complement – with in depth AI-expertise, smart technologies for visual inspection and the fundamental knowledge of the market. That way we already brought two ground-breaking pilot projects in the field of weld inspection on its way – with a producer of welded pipelines and a manufacturer of welded thin-walled titanium pipes for the aerospace sector. Both are critical to safety in their use cases. Hydraulic lines in an airplane as well as pipelines need to be tight, to guarantee safety while in use and to rule out any safety issues.

Christof Schleidt: And with those successful use cases we show that our approach is not just bland theory. Instead, we bring tangible and practical use cases on the way. Our main goal is integration of AI seamless in applications for non-destructive testing. So that our clients get picked up and their needs are met, do you have a thought through strategy developed. Can you describe it a bit closer?

Lennart Schulenburg: We follow a system that contain four steps: Select-Prove-Qualify-Execute. In the first step we offer clients, being an active part in this program, hence to be a pilot-client. In the Prove step we work out in close communication with the client a Proof-of-Concept, we examine the technical probability of the project. Afterwards we move on to the Quality step. Because we roam in a safety critical environment, we need to qualify the algorithms carefully. We need to showcase the accuracy under those high standards. At last, we have the Execute step where the system moves to the live operation.

Our main goal is integration of AI seamless in applications for non-destructive testing.

Advantages for the client

Christof Schleidt: Interesting! I think through this process the client gets a feel what to expect from this technology and can decide if they want to invest further or not.

Lennart Schulenburg: Yes precisely. And we showcase that it is not just technically achievable but also profitable on the business side of things. The producer save money and have a profitable and safe technology. The goal in the long run is a universal, continuous automated evaluation system.

Christof Schleidt: Additionally, clients profit of many other tangible advantages. In that way we tackle a topic with our cooperation that would be a huge undertaking for a single company. The people in charge would have to talk to a lot of different contact persons, such as specialists for AI and experts for non-destructive material testing. In the real world that would mean a high investment which would not be profitable for the most businesses. We take that quest from you, and offer an ingenious, easy to realize solution. Another notable advantage is an accurate and fast defect recognition which was not possible in manual evaluation or rule-based systems. Furthermore, it will reduce cost, because the AI-based quality inspection minimizes momentous errors in safety critical products.

Lennart Schulenburg: Beyond that we can throughout automate the inspection process and therefor rise the productivity of the value chain tremendously. Also, the parallel communication with regulatory authority makes the process simpler for the client. Because on the operative lunch of AI-technology are several certification guidelines to be met. Nether the less profits the client from both of our expertise – your knowledge in terms of AI and visual inspection and our 26-year-long experience in non-destructive testing and market leadership for X-Ray systems.

Another notable advantage is an accurate and fast defect recognition which was not possible in manual evaluation or rule-based systems. Furthermore, it will reduce cost […]

A look ahead

Christof Schleidt: Lennart, do we want to look ahead to what is next?

Lennart Schulenburg: Yes, gladly. What do you think where will the journey of AI-based, visual inspection go?

Christof Schleidt: I think that also in the future we will combine our competence targeted at the advantages for our clients. Fujitsu and VisiConsult are capable of the potential to revolutionize the market. I think of possibility that have never been, to optimize the process and make it more transparent. One goal could be for instance, the communication between machining centres like a casting cell and the evaluating X-ray-technology in real-time.

Lennart Schulenburg: In addition, it would be practical on delivery of lower quality materials to directly and timely give feedback to the supply chain. Also, for the future beside the X-ray technology long term there will be different methods of non-destructive testing like ultrasound, eddy-current or magnet powder evaluation.

Fujitsu and VisiConsult are capable of the potential to revolutionize the market.


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