GOM releases a new software version for sheet metal forming analysis

GOM releases a new software version for sheet metal forming analysis

ARGUS Professional Software: New Optical Solution for Forming Analysis

GOM’s ARGUS system provides a complete solution for forming analysis in order to understand and solve challenges coming up in the sheet metal forming process. ARGUS is composed of a certified photogrammetry camera and the all-new ARGUS Professional software. Thanks to the updated features like formability and FLD analysis and the direct comparison of measurement results with numerical simulations, the forming analysis becomes easier and fast.

Sheet metal forming analysis is mostly used in the automotive industry during the development process of sheet metal parts, for tool try-out and in production troubleshooting. ARGUS supports the optimization of the sheet metal forming process, taking into account the correct material selection and tool optimization. Moreover, the full-field results provided by ARGUS have a high local image resolution. Thus, ARGUS enables the measurement of small to large and complex components.

ARGUS provides an easy workflow from measuring to evaluation to reporting. Before forming, raw sheet metal blanks are marked using electrochemical etching or laser marking. After forming, strain distributions are recorded by the handheld ARGUS system. The convincing and precise results of the forming distribution on the components serve to validate numerical forming simulations and determine over-forming and trend towards cracking. By optimizing the sheet metal forming process, periods of product development can be shortened, tool try-out and production can be accelerated and the quality of final products can be ensured.

ARGUS Professional software—a breakthrough in forming analysis

Based on the measuring data acquired by the ARGUS photogrammetry camera, the ARGUS Professional software provides a fast and efficient workflow for the forming analysis.

The forming limit diagram (FLD) is a proven tool to evaluate the forming process and determine the trend towards cracking. In the ARGUS Professional software, the FLD can be easily created with one click. Besides the forming limit, additional information such as safety margin, thickness reduction and isotropic tension can all be presented in the new software.

In addition, the formability analysis takes one step further. Like in many simulation programs, this formability diagram can also be created easily in the GOM software. The user can define different classification areas and visualize them directly in the formability diagram and on the specimen for further inspections.

Besides forming analysis, the ARGUS system provides measuring results to compare to the simulation results in order to validate the simulation model. In the new software, scalar values and geometries from simulation programs can be imported into the GOM software for a direct comparison with the measuring data, which makes simulation validation much easier than before.

More user-friendly and efficient

In the new ARGUS software, successful acquisition of high-quality measuring data becomes easy. Users get direct feedback regarding the images and know instantly if they got valuable measuring data or if they should give their shot a second try.

After acquiring measuring data, customers needed to define the start points manually, allowing identification and computation of 3D meshes of single or multiple measuring areas. In the new software, the starting points can be defined automatically, leading to higher accuracy of measuring results due to fewer user interactions.

Last but not least, the GOM software is based on a parametric concept. This approach ensures that all process steps are traceable. In the evaluation process, all steps, including the creation of alignments, inspection elements and the complete user-defined reports, are documented and can be saved as project templates. Further projects of the same type can be easily repeated by simply changing the measuring data and recalculating the project. This project template can be stored and shared with colleagues, departments or even plants worldwide, which guarantees uniform evaluation standards for your projects.

Find more information about our software: https://www.gom.com/goto/j044


GOM, a company of the ZEISS Group, specializes in industrial 3D coordinate measuring technology, 3D computed tomography and 3D testing. From product development to production and worldwide distribution, GOM offers machines and systems for manual and automated 3D digitizing, evaluation software, training and professional support from a single source. In industries such as automotive, aerospace, energy and consumer goods, more than 17,000 GOM system installations are in use internationally. At more than 60 locations and with more than 1,200 metrology specialists, GOM guarantees profound advice and first-class service. Since 2019, GOM has been a part of the ZEISS Group and has formed the Center of Excellence for optical metrology. With more than 32,000 employees in 50 countries and annual revenue totaling more than 6.3 billion euros, ZEISS is an internationally leading technology enterprise operating in the fields of optics and optoelectronics. (Status: September 30, 2020)


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