Hexagon Brings Fast, Cost-Effective Surface Measurement with New Laser Scanner for CMMs

Hexagon Brings Fast, Cost-Effective Surface Measurement with New Laser Scanner for CMMs

The HP-L-10.10 LITE offers economical 3D point cloud measurement to manufacturers for more efficient inspection and higher throughput

Hexagon’s Manufacturing Intelligence division has announced the release of a new laser scanner for coordinate measuring machines (CMMs) designed for manufacturers looking for a cost-effective option for more efficient surface measurement and higher throughput.

Concentrating on the core laser scanning functions, the new HP-L-10.10 LITE laser scanner makes it easy and affordable for manufacturers to benefit from the measurement speed and coverage of laser scanning. The scanner captures the complete surface data of a part in a fraction of the time compared to measuring many points or lines with tactile measurement methods.

“When launching the standard-setting HP-L-10.10 CMM laser scanner in 2021, we knew many manufacturers wanted to increase their inspection efficiency and throughput but did not necessarily require that scanner’s full feature set of capabilities,” says Patryk Wroclawski, Non-contact Sensors Product Manager at Hexagon. “The HP-L-10.10 LITE is our answer to this need. And while this might be our entry-level scanner, it’s a high-speed and accurate device that delivers big productivity improvements across multiple measurement applications.”

The scanner is built upon Hexagon’s latest cross-platform laser line scanning technology. It employs the same SHINE (Systematic High-Intelligence Noise Elimination) technology as the flagship HP-L-10.10, allowing it to quickly and accurately collect clean 3D measurement data from almost any surface material and finish.

Fast point cloud creation at up to 240 000 points per second acquisition rate and a 120 Hz frame rate make the HP-L-10.10 LITE ideal for scanning surfaces quickly, and its probing form error of just 14 microns is strong performance for laser scanning on a CMM.

The HP-L-10.10 LITE is designed for use with a wide range of applications and measurement surfaces, including shape measurements of sheet-metal parts, moulds, or castings; colour mapping for quick quality insights over a complete surface; and capturing point clouds to create meshes for reverse engineering applications.

Equipped with the HP-L-10.10 LITE, a CMM becomes a multisensor machine that can handle most measurement tasks. When combined with tactile probing, it enables manufacturers to balance the requirements for accuracy with the demand for higher throughput in a single part program.

The scanner is ideal for manufacturers looking to economically add rapid point cloud measurement to their metrology toolkit and who don’t require the full speed, finer accuracy or the additional collaborative capabilities of the flagship HP-L-10.10.

The HP-L-10.10 LITE is available to order now from local Hexagon representatives, and more information is available on the Industrial 3D laser scanners section of the Hexagon website.

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