How to Measure Surface Roughness Using Surtronic Duo

How to Measure Surface Roughness Using Surtronic Duo

A handheld Device for Surface Roughness Measurement

The Surtronic duo is a handheld device designed and manufactured by Taylor Hobson. Its unique split design, Bluetooth communication method, and a wide range of surface roughness parameters make it a unique and flexible measurement instrument. The standard USB charger and the large capacity lithium-poly battery delivers more than 10,000 measurements per charge.

Surface Roughness Measurement Tester/device Surtronic Duo

How Does Surtronic Duo Roughness Tester Works?

The diamond stylus is drawn across the part with a precision motorized traverse mechanism to ensure that the correct horizontal distance is traveled. Vertical movement of the stylus is detected by a high-quality piezo-electric pick-up as it travels across peaks and valleys which converts mechanical movement into electrical signals.

Mobile surface roughness tester surtronic duo taylor hobson

The electrical signal is digitized and sent to a microprocessor for instant calculation of surface roughness parameters using standardized algorithms. Simply hit the measurement button and the unit will start. The surface roughness measurement results are transmitted by Bluetooth to the handheld unit and a live profile of the measurement is generated.

Results Display: Surface Roughness parameters

You can scroll through the results. Using the settings, you can select a large character mode for better visibility or select a mode, that will show five measurement parameters per screen. Surface Roughness measurement parameters such as Ra, Rz, Rp, Rv, and Rt.Rt: Total profile height

  • Rp: Maximum profile peak height
  • Rv: Maximum profile valley depth
  • Rz: Maximum height of the profile
  • Ra: Arithmetic mean deviation 
  • Other parameters: Rsk, Rku, Rq, Rz1max

The device can be docked in its second configuration to protect the stylus. With the stylus protected the unit can be switched off for use elsewhere. The Surtronic duo bringing accurate surface measurement results to the shop floor and manufacturing area. Portable device and easy to use as any smartphone requiring no operator training.

Applications: Surtronic Duo Handheld Surface Roughness Tester

The Surtronic duo skidded device designed for ease of use makes it ideal for the shop floor, industrial, and inspection room applications.

  • Process control
  • Heavy industry
  • Aerospace, and other areas

To know more, check Taylor-Hobson.


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