Innovalia Group: The commitment to innovation and technology must be stronger than ever

Innovalia Group: The commitment to innovation and technology must be stronger than ever

In times of crisis, the ability to adapt, to change and to have a high technological value product is key and many times will indicate the survival of a company. For the Basque industrial group, the Innovalia Group, innovation has always been part of their business strategy. There are companies that might invest in innovation, but the creation of the Innovalia Group and all the synergies that exist between the 8 different companies of the group is due to innovation and to the need of having their own technology.

The situation that the COVID-19 has brought us is another challenge that is making us face new forms of work, consumption and social relationships that will translate into changes. The Innovalia Group will face these changes from its two business units: Innovalia Metrology and Innovalia Digital.

Jesús de la Maza, President of the Innovalia Group

Innovalia Metrology, the metrological unit of the Innovalia Group, formed by Unimetrik, Trimek and Datapixel continues to expand its horizons with a digital solution for the industrial quality control. Through its innovative vision of Metrology 4.0, the Basque group offers a universal multi-system platform that allows quality management, control and evaluation in the traditional CMM and in the machine tools; M3, the dimensional measurement platform allows workers to reduce physical presence at the workplace as much as possible, thanks to optimal tools available for offline work, document exchange in the cloud and measurement simulators so that quality management follows its own path to digitization.

Innovalia Digital, formed by CARSA, SQS, CBT and RedBorder, comprehensively offers a simple and attractive response to the needs of digital transformation in terms of strategy definition, maturity assessment, technological development and certification processes. With a firm commitment to digital transformation through the implementation of digital processes based on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence and without losing sight of cybersecurity and the quality of the process. Innovalia Digital leads many companies that are looking for an alternative way to continue with their activity and go even further, adapting to this new situation and business needs.

These two business units, Innovalia Metrology and Innovalia Digital are accompanied by the Innovalia Association, the Group’s R&D business unit that serves as a technological antenna, providing high-level technological developments to clients and the Group’s products and services. The Innovalia Group believes in betting, taking that step forward and deciding to innovate and betting on national products and services. Being an active part of the change and not just let the Group be dragged. The commitment to innovation and technology is about the business attitude, that is so necessary today.

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