Integrating 3D Line Profilers With UR Cobots by LMI Technologies

Integrating 3D Line Profilers With UR Cobots by LMI Technologies

To expand the range of our smart 3D robot vision systems for industrial automation applications, we’ve now made it possible for engineers to integrate Gocator® laser line profile sensors with Universal Robots (UR) cobots.

Gocator® 3D line profilers paired with UR cobots deliver a highly effective smart 3D robot vision solution for applications such as:

  • Measurement and inspection of elongated targets (e.g., cables, pipes, and conduits).
  • Applications that require larger fields of view not covered by Gocator 3D snapshot sensors, such as large scale bin picking.
  • Wide range of vision guidance, flexible quality inspection, and pick-and-place applications

Watch the video for a quick overview.

Easy Sensor to Robot Mounting

As with Gocator® 3D snapshot sensors, Gocator® 3D laser profilers are easily mounted onto the UR robot flange using a metal plate. You can then connect the sensor to a robot controller or PC application to perform sensor hand-eye calibration (using the Gocator® URCap plugin) and implement your desired robot movement.

Easy Sensor to Robot Mounting

Built-In Sensor to Robot Hand-Eye Calibration

The Gocator® Calibrate node in the URCap automatically performs hand-eye calibration between the sensor and the robot flange. When the node runs, it moves the robot-mounted sensor over the calibration target multiple times to capture scans and return the required poses. After the node has run, the resulting sensor-robot transformation matrix is loaded onto the robot.

Built-in Sensor to Robot Hand-Eye Calibration
Since calibration routines are already built-in, it’s faster and easier to set up your robotic systems for factory automation applications.

Simple Sensor to Robot Programming

Once hand-eye calibration is complete you can connect to the sensor’s web-interface to load a job, trigger a scan, and return positional measurements in the X, Y, and Z axes.

Simple Sensor to Robot Programming
With this node in the URCap you can easily load your job files onto the Gocator.
Triggering a Scan in Gocator
The Gocator Scan node causes the robot to sweep the sensor over the target to take a scan.
Gocator receives measurements
The sensor then generates X, Y, Z, raw, pitch, and yaw values, which the Gocator Receive node in the URCap can then retrieve.

Benefits of UR Integration with Gocator Line Profilers

Easy UR Integration with Gocator® 3D laser profile sensors allows you to get a complete vision-guided robotic solution up and running with minimal cost and development time.

Watch this Gocator-UR setup video for more details.

To know more, check LMI Technologies.


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