Interview of Mr. Amit Aware, Founder & Director, AMISON Engineering

Interview of Mr. Amit Aware, Founder & Director, AMISON Engineering

About: AMISON Engineering 

Mr. Amit Aware, Founder and Director, started AMISON Engineering to provide complete end-to-end business solutions from design to manufacturing to Indian manufacturing industries.

AMISON Engineering has a team of engineers with vast and thorough hands-on experience in design and manufacturing. Mr. Amit has a good understanding of CNC machines probing, Linear-Rotary axis calibrations, CMM Retrofits, and additive manufacturing.

Please tell us how you started AMISON Engineering?

Amit Aware

I started this business in June 2020. Before this, I worked for Renishaw PLC, Pune, India, for Twelve years, where I developed expertise in conventional manufacturing and Additive Manufacturing solutions. I was also responsible for providing service and support for all the metrological products in Renishaw’s basket.

Inspired by the idea of Atma-Nirbhar Bharat and the thirst to educate Indian companies about Additive manufacturing technology, I decided to quit my job. I started AMISON Engineering and am also a service and support partner for Renishaw in India for metal AM machines.

What is your business segregation? 

It is a 50-50 combination of manufacturing and services. We are supplying a complete solution right from design to manufacturing. In the last three months, we have worked on 5 to 6 projects, which were end to end solutions. We helped them to design the component and to manufacture it as well. 

The customers come with their old part, and we design them with modern techniques, and we help them prototype them. We sell AM spares and consumables for Renishaw AM machines. The remaining 80 percent of our focus is on product development. It includes project design, simulation, analysis, etc.

Once the customer approves the design, we move to the manufacturing process. We provide our customers with the feasibility of retaining our team for a project or the complete solution.

What is your team size?

We are a team of 6 people, but we are good at multitasking and enjoy every work.

What are the types of equipment you use?

Currently, we have not invested in infrastructure or equipment because we are a start-up. We have an understanding with Verensol Technologies to use their Toolroom and machines as per our project requirements.

We also have tie-ups with Incredible 3D and Innova 3D as they have metal additive manufacturing machines. For inspections, we have an association with Phoenix Labs and Shri Engineering CMM Services.

What is your average business size right now, and where do you see yourself after a year?

I registered for this company in May 2020, and we started our operations in June 2020. We finished our first quarter in August 2020 and have already generated the business of around Rupees 15 lakhs so far. For the next quarter, we are aiming to create an income of approximately rupees 25 lacs.

Would you like to tell us about some of your major customers in the first quadrant?

We have successfully executed projects for an aerospace company, but I can’t disclose their names because of a non-disclosure agreement. However, they are going to reveal their name soon as the trial completes. 

We have also done a fixture designing project, simulation analysis, and tool designing project.

How do you differentiate yourself in the market?

Our point of differentiation is unlike many other similar start-ups. We are not just into manufacturing; instead, we cover the range from design to manufacturing. With a combined experience of over 18 years in the design and manufacturing industry, we are determined to help our customers to keep their costs down. We focus on minimizing development costs and support our customers to grow.

Any achievements you would like to share from this quarter?

So far, the main achievement has been forming a team as it is not an easy task, more so for a start-up. My team believes in my idea and supports me, and together we work to deliver the project to the customer in a short period. Customers have appreciated the speed of our project delivery, which is also a significant achievement for us.

What are your plans?

We are focusing on having the most skilled and innovative people in this field on board. We are working on creative projects to increase the efficiency of the manufacturing sector. Our aim for the future is to manufacture unique products for the market.

Are you looking forward to creating a knowledge centre?

We need good writers to create a knowledge centre for our website, and since we are from the engineering background, it isn’t easy to achieve. However, we want to help people who face any technical difficulty and are willing to develop something or fix something; they can come to us for solutions. 

Where do you do the testing of your products?

We do manufacturing-related testing at Shri Engineering CMM Services, and we do all our metrology testing at Phoenix Testing Lab.

How did the idea of starting your organization come to you?

The thought of doing something innovative and creative was always there in my mind. While working at Renishaw, I learned a lot about the market. I explored how India and other countries are working in the manufacturing sector, which helped me identify what was missing in the Indian market. It occurred to me that while India has a great potential of creating and manufacturing on its own, we are just following what the others are doing. I always believed that India has excellent engineering potential, and we can create something that the world will value.

Can you throw some light on how the Indian market is different from the other global market?

Western countries like the US and Europe are more developed. The companies there receive better funding and financial aids. What’s happening is that the idea or concept comes from India or other South-East Asian countries, and one of the Western countries manufactures it. The labor cost and the cost of development are, however, significantly less in India. We are mostly known for our manufacturing capabilities but not for our development work. So that is one gap I would want to fill. 

How do you see the metrology industry in India coping and going ahead post COVID-19 pandemic?

COVID-19 is just a pause, not a stop, and the metrology industry will bounce back. Our profits have decreased, but I am not sure if we have suffered losses. Indian culture is a big believer in savings, and that is something that will help us to sustain through this challenging situation. 

How long will the market take to return to normal?

I don’t think it will take much longer. It will probably take a year to recover, but the next year will be a game-changer for our industry.

How do you think government policies have helped this sector?

The government has provided ease and relief in GST and Income Tax by extending the due dates. These reliefs are helping lots of businesses to survive in this situation. The documentation process for start-ups is taking only three days, and that is why many start-ups are emerging regardless of this situation. The digital India campaign is helping to smoothen the process through contactless services. 

To know more, check AMISON Engineering.


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