ISRA VISION founder and CEO Enis Ersü to retire from active professional life on June 30, 2021

ISRA VISION founder and CEO Enis Ersü to retire from active professional life on June 30, 2021

One of the founding fathers of the German machine vision industry will enter a
new stage of life as he is set to retire from his position as CEO of ISRA
VISION AG by the end of June 2021 after 36 years. While working as a
research associate, Enis Ersü founded ISRA VISION as a spin-off from the
Technical University (TU) of Darmstadt. ISRA (intelligent systems, robots and
automation) was one of the first German start-ups with a strategic business
case focused on combining machine vision and robotics and automation
technology. After ten years, the company took a decisive step and turned its
focus exclusively on the “electronic eye.” In 2000, ISRA VISION was listed on
the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

Subsequently, ISRA VISION was one of the the few companies that survived
the collapse of the “New Market” and rose to become a global market leader
in the machine vision industry. With more than 850 employees at 25 sites in
more than 15 countries reported of about €150 million prior to the pandemic.

Enis Ersü has led ISRA VISION with a strategy based on customer-oriented
innovation, while also fostering organic and external growth. Diversifying its
business across more than nine different sectors was just as significant as the
strategic acquisition of eleven companies, with some of these focusing on
different target industries.

Ersü considers his team to be the key to success: “For over 36 years, I have
enjoyed the privilege of working with an outstanding team. I am very grateful
to all of my employees, colleagues, customers, and partners who
accompanied me on this exciting journey and who put their weight behind
strategic measures and bold decisions.” In his next stage of life, he intends to
support young technology companies with his expertise – but only in a
consulting capacity: “This is a very exciting endeavor.” After all, he knows
exactly what young company founders need most.

Ersü has also left his mark in several industry associations. The foundation of
the „Vision Club“, the first German industry association for machine vision,
ranks among his most important milestones. The integration into VDMA, his
years of „passionate“ commitment to the VDMA’s Executive Board, and his
co-founding of the EMVA were also vital contributions to the sector.

It goes without saying that his succession plan was an important matter for
Ersü. Out of all available options, a strategic alliance with an industry partner
proved to be the optimal choice. ISRA VISION will be operating from
Darmstadt as part of Atlas Copco’s new Machine Vision division.“ Ersü is
convinced to have found a sustainable industry partner in Atlas Copco, which
follows ISRA’s growth path in the areas of Surface Vision and 3D Machine
Vision, contributes to a brimming innovation pipeline, and continuously
strengthens and expands the team.

At the Darmstadt site, ISRA VISION AG will enter its next phase headed by a
team of three executives: the new board member from Sweden, Tomas
Lundin, and the current ISRA board members Hans Jürgen Christ and Dr.
Johannes Giet. ISRA VISION will publish a more detailed press release later
in the month of June 2021.


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