MarForm MMQ 500

MarForm MMQ 500

75% time savings with the new form tester

his content was originally written and published by the Mahr team on their website. Reproduced here from this link.

Flexible, fast, and precise: the new MarForm MMQ 500 form measuring machine can be used universally to measure roughness, waviness, and contours. Its fully automatic centering and tilting table makes manual adjustments unnecessary and reduces floor-to-floor time to a minimum. This increases productivity, and time savings of up to 75 percent.

The MarForm MMQ 500 measures shape, position, roughness, contour, and twist in just one measuring process – and that for very small components of just a few millimeters in size as well as for larger and heavy workpieces of up to 80 kilograms. The machine has high-precision C, Z, and X axes, which guarantee reliable repeatability even with decreasing tolerances and difficult measuring tasks. “Two aspects were particularly in focus during the development: a very short measuring time and the measurability of complex, tightly tolerated workpieces weighing up to 80 kilograms,” explains Mahr product manager Kai Sander.

MarForm MMQ 500: Suitable for many industries

The MarForm MMQ 500 is ideally suited for use in mechanical engineering, medical technology, aerospace, automotive, and many more industries. With it, a comprehensive workpiece assessment, according to DIN ISO 1101 is very easy. The innovative device design supports simple to use: With just one hand, workers bring all components into the correct position for their measurement.

MarForm MMQ 500

A helpful feature is the newly developed centering and tilting table with a diameter of 300 millimeters. Compared to comparable devices, this makes it possible to align the workpieces to be tested in a shorter time and at the same time optimally, which increases efficiency and productivity in every production.

The machine can be used in the measuring room as well as directly in production. With a maximum accuracy of 0.01 micrometers, it impresses there even with low tolerances. The mechanical bearing is up to 70 times stiffer than in comparable models and is therefore insensitive to external influences, which results in a high level of measurement reliability.

Significantly faster than the standard

With the MarForm MMQ 500, a multitude of features can be measured: cylindrical shape, parallelism, roundness, concentricity, roughness, waviness, and contour – depending on whether it is drive shafts, bearings, hydraulic pistons, commutator, or gear wheels. Another feature predestines the machine for automated operation. Because its probe arm unit can hold up to four probe arms and thus enables an automatic change without operator intervention.

MarForm MMQ 500

The measuring process itself also impresses with its high speed. Because the Z-axis allows movements of up to 100 millimeters / second and is, therefore, more than three times as fast as a conventional form measuring device. Thanks to its user-friendly user interface, the integrated, high-performance MarWin software also supports high speeds and security. “The sum of its technical innovations means that the MarForm MMQ 500 measures up to 75 percent faster than was previously the case on the market,” summarizes Sander.

To know more, please check Mahr.


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