Written by: Andrew Mathers and Mona Noujeim
To celebrate International Coffee Day, held annually on October 1st, Dr. Andrew Mathers (X-ray CT Applications Engineer) scanned three different roasts of coffee bean (light, mid and dark) to showcase the difference in the bean’s internal structure following each roasting technique.
International Coffee Day, was first established in by the International Coffee Organisation at Expo 2015 in Milan. This day is used as a platform to promote the purchasing of fair trade coffee and raise awareness for the plight of coffee growers around the globe.
These X-ray CT scans were acquired at 4.5 µm voxel resolution and 7 Watts, using a Nikon XT H 225. The system houses a Nikon 225 kV microfocus X-ray source fitted with a tungsten reflection target, coupled with a Varex 4343-CT flat panel detector. For these scans, the detector acquired between 3500 and 4100 projections at an exposure of 500 ms and a gain of 24 dB.
Light roast

Mid roast

Dark roast

X-ray CT data were reconstructed using a modified Filtered Back Projection algorithm in Nikon CT Pro 3D and rendered in 3D using the isosurface renderer in Volume Graphics Studio Max 3.4.
To know more, please check Nikon.