Pioneering Precision: The Collaboration Behind Landmark Projects in Metrology

Pioneering Precision: The Collaboration Behind Landmark Projects in Metrology

In the world of metrology, precision is paramount. From constructing massive structures like the Las Vegas Sphere to ensuring the pinpoint accuracy required in advanced cancer treatment facilities, the collaboration between Eleven Dynamics and Messkonzept showcases how innovation and expertise can overcome the most challenging measurement tasks.

A Meeting of Minds: Stefan and Günther’s Partnership

Stefan and Günther’s professional relationship spans over 15 years, beginning during Stefan’s time at Hexagon. Over the years, their collaboration has led to the successful completion of numerous high-profile projects. One such project, the Las Vegas Sphere, stands as a testament to their ability to deliver complex measurement solutions under tight deadlines and demanding conditions.

The Las Vegas Sphere: A Challenge of Scale and Precision

The Las Vegas Sphere project was a unique challenge that required not just hardware but a comprehensive measurement strategy. Initially approached by a client seeking a laser tracker, Stefan quickly identified that the project needed more than just equipment—it required a tailored measurement concept. Günther was brought in to develop this concept, tackling the monumental task of measuring over 150 frames and ensuring they were precisely aligned for the construction of the Sphere.

Despite the hurdles presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, which limited in-person collaboration, the project moved forward. The team faced the challenge of measuring and aligning thousands of brackets and frames, all while compensating for the significant temperature fluctuations in the desert environment. The success of this project was not just in achieving the necessary precision but in developing new methods and tools to monitor and adjust the structure in real-time, ensuring the final product met the exacting standards required.



MedAustron: Precision in Cancer Treatment

Another fascinating project discussed in the podcast is MedAustron, a facility using particle accelerators for cancer treatment. Here, Günther’s expertise was critical in ensuring that all components of the accelerator were precisely aligned. The treatment requires sub-millimeter accuracy, with ion beams targeted at cancerous tissues while sparing healthy surrounding tissue.

In this project, laser trackers were again essential, not only for the initial setup but for ongoing monitoring to ensure the treatment’s precision. The collaboration highlighted the importance of combining advanced metrology with cutting-edge medical technology, a field where even the smallest errors can have significant consequences.

The Future of Metrology: Innovations on the Horizon

Looking ahead, the collaboration between Eleven Dynamics and Messkonzept is set to continue pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in metrology. One exciting development is the NEXOS software, which promises to simplify complex metrology tasks, making advanced measurement tools more accessible to a broader range of industries.

Stefan and Günther also discussed the development of a new layout robot, a project that Günther initially conceived and which is now being brought to market with the support of Eleven Dynamics. This robot represents a significant step forward in automating and enhancing the precision of layout tasks in construction and manufacturing.

Join Us at Upcoming Events

Eleven Dynamics and Messkonzept will be showcasing these innovations and more at two upcoming events: the Duwe User Meeting in Lindau in September and an open house at Colt in Ort im Innkreis in October. Both events offer an excellent opportunity to see these technologies in action and to discuss potential collaborations with industry leaders.


The podcast conversation between Stefan and Günther underscores the vital role of collaboration in advancing the field of metrology. Whether it’s measuring the vast dimensions of a structure like the Las Vegas Sphere or ensuring the precision required for life-saving cancer treatments, the partnership between Eleven Dynamics and Messkonzept continues to set new standards in accuracy and innovation.


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