What Is an OBJ File and How to Use It?

What Is an OBJ File and How to Use It?

In the field of 3D graphic design, the OBJ file format is one of the most essential formats, particularly well-suited as a universal exchange format for non-animated 3D models.

Its simplicity and robust data storage capabilities make it highly regarded in 3D modeling, architectural rendering, and virtual reality applications.

Before diving deeper, let’s explore the fundamental features and uses of the OBJ file format, gradually unveiling how this widely recognized file type has become a versatile cornerstone in the world of 3D graphics.

What Is an OBJ File?

The OBJ file format was developed by Wavefront Technologies for its workstation-based 3D modeling and animation software, Advanced Visualizer.

This format can also be read and written by Maya, making it highly versatile. OBJ files are plain text files, which means they can be opened, viewed, and edited using any text editor.

The OBJ format supports polygons, lines, surfaces, and free-form curves. Lines and polygons are described by their points, while curves and surfaces are defined using their control points along with additional information specific to the curve type.

These details allow the representation of both regular and irregular curves, including those based on Bezier curves, B-splines, cardinal splines (Catmull-Rom splines), and Taylor equations.

What Are the Characteristics of the OBJ Format?

Geometric Representation

The OBJ file format provides flexibility in describing the surface geometry of 3D models, supporting various encoding methods, including polygonal tessellation, free-form curves, and free-form surfaces.

Polygonal tessellation uses simple geometric shapes, such as triangles and quadrilaterals, to tile the model’s surface, facilitating processing and rendering. However, this approach may introduce geometric inaccuracies when representing curved surfaces.

Free-form curves (e.g., cardinal splines, Bezier curves) and free-form surfaces (e.g., NURBS) are mathematically defined, allowing precise descriptions of curves and surfaces with minimal file size.

These features make the OBJ format suitable for high-precision fields such as aerospace and automotive design.

Color and Texture Support

Although the OBJ format does not directly store color and texture data, it can define material properties for models through an associated Material Template Library (MTL) file.

The MTL file, written in ASCII text, uses the Phong reflection model to specify surface attributes such as ambient color, diffuse color, specular color, and transparency.

Additionally, MTL files support texture mapping, which maps each point on a 3D model’s surface to a 2D image, enabling complex color and texture effects.

Color and Texture Support

Openness and Compatibility

The OBJ file format is open and widely adopted by numerous 3D graphics applications. Its simple text-based structure allows OBJ files to be opened, viewed, and edited directly in a text editor.

Furthermore, almost all major 3D software supports reading and writing OBJ files, making it easier to exchange model data between different 3D tools.

It is important to note that the OBJ file format does not include information about animations, material properties, texture paths, dynamics, or particles.

It is primarily used for describing static 3D models. For applications requiring the storage of animations or other dynamic data, alternative file formats may be more appropriate.

OBJ File Structure

● Comment Lines:Begin with # and are used for adding descriptive text to the file.

● Vertex Data:

v: Defines geometric vertices (x, y, z coordinates).

vt: Defines texture vertices (u, v, [w] coordinates).

vn: Defines vertex normals (x, y, z components).

● Elements:

f: Defines faces using vertex indices.

l: Defines lines using vertex indices.

● Groups and Objects:

g: Specifies a group name.

o: Specifies an object name.

● Material Information:

usemtl: Specifies the material name to use.

mtllib: Specifies the material library file.


# This is a simple quadrilateral example

# Define the object name

o SimpleQuad

# Define vertex coordinates

v -1.0  1.0 0.0

v  1.0  1.0 0.0

v  1.0 -1.0 0.0

v -1.0 -1.0 0.0

# Define texture coordinates

vt 0.0 1.0

vt 1.0 1.0

vt 1.0 0.0

vt 0.0 0.0

# Define vertex normals

vn 0.0 0.0 1.0

# Define a face, using vertex/texture/normal indices

f 1/1/1 2/2/1 3/3/1 4/4/1


● Object Name (o SimpleQuad): Declares the object name as SimpleQuad.

● Vertices (v): Specifies the x, y, z coordinates of the four vertices.

● Texture Coordinates (vt): Specifies the corresponding texture coordinates (u, v).

● Vertex Normals (vn): Defines the normal vector for the surface.

● Face (f): Describes a quadrilateral face using indices in the format vertex/texture/normal.


● Indexing:Indices in OBJ files start from 1 (not 0).

● Units:OBJ files do not include unit information. Scaling should be handled externally.

● Readability:OBJ files are plain text, making them easy to read and edit with any text editor.

OBJ vs. Other 3D File Formats

In the field of 3D modeling and printing, several alternative file formats exist alongside the OBJ file format. Below are some common alternatives:

STL (STereoLithography)

STL is one of the most widely used 3D file formats, frequently applied in 3D printing, computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), and CAD/CAM data exchange.

This format represents the surface geometry of 3D models using a triangular mesh, offering a simple and easy-to-process structure.

However, STL does not support color or texture information, limiting its use in applications requiring rich visual detail. Additionally, STL files can become very large when representing high-resolution objects.

COLLADA (COLLAborative Design Activity)

COLLADA is an open-source format commonly used in games and applications due to its support for scenes and animations. It can describe complex 3D scenes, including geometry, physical attributes, shading, and animation.

While the file structure of COLLADA is relatively complex, its openness and wide support make it an effective tool for exchanging 3D content.

FBX (Filmbox)

FBX is a proprietary format designed for high-fidelity data exchange between software applications, particularly for complex 3D models that include animations and scene information.

FBX is widely used in game development and film production, supporting various 3D data types such as geometry, materials, animations, and skeletons. However, as a proprietary format, certain features of FBX may face compatibility issues across different software.

X3D (eXtensible 3D)

X3D is a standard for 3D web graphics, supporting multiple encoding languages and adopted by ISO.

As the successor to VRML, X3D offers a richer feature set, including animation, interactivity, and advanced rendering effects. X3D is designed to integrate with HTML and XML, making it suitable for 3D graphics presentation in web environments.

VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language)

VRML was an early standard for 3D web graphics, now largely replaced by X3D. It allows for the creation of virtual worlds containing 3D objects and interactions. However, due to its limited functionality and lack of updates, it has gradually been superseded by more modern formats.

AMF (Additive Manufacturing File Format)

AMF is a file format designed for 3D printing and other additive manufacturing processes, addressing the limitations of the STL format.

AMF supports the storage of information such as color, materials, textures, and structures, enabling the creation of complex geometries and multi-material prints.

However, AMF adoption remains relatively low and has not yet become a mainstream standard.

3MF (3D Manufacturing Format)

3MF is a modern file format specifically designed for 3D printing, including data from auxiliary files in other formats. 3MF supports information such as color, material, texture, and printer settings, enabling more efficient workflows and smaller file sizes.

As 3D printing technology advances, 3MF is gaining increasing support and adoption.

glTF (GL Transmission Format)

glTF is a file format for the efficient transmission and loading of 3D scenes and models, aiming to provide smaller file sizes and faster loading speeds.

It supports PBR (physically based rendering) materials, animations, and compression, making it particularly suitable for real-time interactive applications such as WebGL, virtual reality, and augmented reality.

IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification)

IGES is a cross-platform ASCII vector graphics format supported by many CAD programs. It accommodates various geometric representations, including wireframes, surfaces, and solid models, and is widely used in engineering design and manufacturing.

However, IGES is relatively complex, with large file sizes, and has gradually been replaced by more modern formats like STEP.

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)

JSON is an open-standard file format commonly used for data exchange in web applications. In 3D graphics, JSON is often used to store and transmit lightweight 3D model data, particularly in web-based applications.

Its ease of parsing and human-readable structure make JSON advantageous for network transmission and real-time rendering.

Each 3D file format has specific uses and advantages. Selecting the appropriate format depends on project requirements, the software being used, and the intended application scenario.

3D Scanners and OBJ Files

3D scanners capture the geometry and texture of objects and convert them into digital 3D models, which will saved in the OBJ format sometimes.


3D Scanners and OBJ Files

The Relationship Between 3D Scanners and OBJ Files

Data Capture and Storage

3D scanners utilize technologies such as lasers, structured light, or photogrammetry to collect three-dimensional data of an object, including vertices, edges, and faces.

This data can be saved as OBJ files, which contain both the geometric shape and texture information of the object.

File Format Compatibility

OBJ files are an open standard format supported by most 3D modeling and editing software.

This means OBJ files generated by 3D scanners can be easily opened, edited, and processed in various software applications. It will streamlin subsequent design and manufacturing workflows.

Reverse Engineering and Redesign

In industrial design and manufacturing, OBJ files generated by 3D scanners are often used for reverse engineering. Designers can modify, optimize, or redesign scanned models to meet new requirements or enhance product performance.

Processing Scanned OBJ Files

While OBJ files are widely used in 3D modeling and rendering, directly editing them in certain CAD software (e.g., UG/NX) can be challenging. Therefore, converting OBJ files into editable CAD formats is often necessary. Common methods include:

Using Reverse Engineering Software

Specialized reverse engineering tools, such as Geomagic Studio, can import OBJ files and convert them into editable CAD formats like IGES or STEP.

These tools provide features for reconstructing model surfaces and features, making them suitable for further editing in a CAD environment.

Plugin-Assisted Conversion

Some CAD software supports direct import and editing of OBJ files via plugins. For instance, SolidWorks’ Power Surfacing plugin allows users to import OBJ files and convert them into editable solid models.

Mesh-to-Surface Conversion

In certain cases, software can be used to convert the polygonal mesh data in OBJ files into NURBS surfaces, resulting in editable CAD models. This method is particularly useful for redesigning and modifying complex surface models.


Model Precision

The accuracy of OBJ files generated by 3D scanners depends on the resolution of the scanner and scanning conditions. During reverse engineering, models may need to be smoothed, simplified, or repaired to improve their editability and usability.

File Size

High-resolution scanned models can result in large OBJ files, requiring significant computational resources for processing and editing. In some cases, it may be necessary to downsample or segment the model into smaller parts.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the primary uses of the OBJ format?

OBJ files are widely used in 3D modeling, animation, architectural visualization, 3D printing, and game development. Their openness and compatibility make them a preferred format for sharing 3D data between different software platforms.

What are the typical file extensions for OBJ files?

The typical file extension for OBJ files is .obj, with an associated material file extension .mtl. The .objfile stores geometric data, while the .mtlfile describes surface attributes such as colors, textures, and other material properties.

How can I open an OBJ file?

OBJ files can be opened using various compatible software, such as Blender, Maya, AutoCAD, or specialized 3D viewing tools like CAD Exchanger Lab. These applications typically provide features for viewing, editing, and exporting the model.

Can OBJ files be converted to other formats?

Yes. OBJ files can be converted into various formats, such as STL, IGES, or JSON, depending on the intended use. For example:

● To convert OBJ to STL:Use software like Autodesk Fusion 360 or online tools.

● To convert OBJ to JSON:Use online 3D model converters.

Does the OBJ format support materials and textures?

Yes. Through the .mtlfile, the OBJ format can define material attributes for models, including color, reflectivity, and transparency. Additionally, OBJ files can store texture mapping coordinates, allowing 2D images to be applied to the surface of 3D models.

Do Blender and Maya support OBJ files?

Yes. Both Blender and Maya support the import and export of OBJ files. Blender allows OBJ files to be integrated with BLEND files, while Maya, as a successor to Wavefront Technologies, has native compatibility with the OBJ format.


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