ZEISS launches Xradia 515 Versa exclusively for the APAC Region

ZEISS launches Xradia 515 Versa exclusively for the APAC Region

ZEISS Group announces that today they will unveil ZEISS Xradia 515 Versa exclusively for the APAC region. It brings 500 nm resolution to 3D non-destructive materials characterization. This new improved resolution, with the ZEISS Xradia 515 Versa, is combined with Resolution at a Distance (RaaD) technology enabling high resolution across a wide array of sample types and sizes.

The workhorse for your research

ZEISS X-ray microscopes (XRM) are advanced research solutions that have removed major technological hurdles for 3D imaging by achieving high contrast and submicron resolution even for relatively large samples. ZEISS Xradia 515 Versa uses a two-stage magnification technique that enables you to uniquely achieve RaaD. Combined with the flexibility and stability of the ZEISS Xradia platform, this unparalleled versatility delivers a fast time to results for your research.

The ZEISS Xradia Versa X-ray portfolio provides a broad range of innovative X-ray solutions including 4D and in situ studies and interior tomography.

Break the one micron resolution barrier with this X-ray microscope for 3D imaging and in situ / 4D investigations.

Use the combination of resolution and contrast with flexible working distances to extend the power of non-destructive imaging in your lab.

Benefit from its architecture that uses a two-stage magnification technique to achieve submicron resolution at a distance (RaaD). Reducing dependence upon geometric magnification maintains submicron resolution even at large working distances.

For more details visit https://www.zeiss.com/microscopy/int/products/x-ray-microscopy/zeiss-xradia-515-versa.html


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